Friday, May 1, 2015

Cycle Day 10

Today's symptoms: headache again, bloated stomach, tired, emotional (I'm crying about 5 times a day now) and weight gain has moved to +6lbs.

Today started off with the usual 5:45am wake up call for my Bravelle shot.  Then off to the doctor at 7:30 for my us/bw monitoring appointment.  They call with updates once the labs come back and the doctors have a chance to review the numbers.  So far my FC is still looking good they are all between 8 - 16mm.  The earliest I will trigger will be Sunday night for a Tuesday ER.  Since this will be my last cycle I don't mind stimming a few extra days now in the hopes that the smaller ones have time to grow and will be big enough to retrieve.  The rule of thumb with this clinic is that they need to be over 14mm for there to be a likely chance of getting an egg.

Today's picture was unknowingly taken by Ryan right after I had my blood draw.  As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am horrible with needles and blood.  After fainting so many times, finally a nurse asked "have you ever tried lying down?'.  It sounds like such a logical solution and I feel stupid for never thinking of it.  Ever since then, I get my blood taken laying down.  I cover my eyes and try and block out all noise.  She lets me know when she is down and then she leaves the room.  I wait a minute or two before sitting up.  I also make sure that I drink at least 1 glass of water before I go and I eat at least a cracker or something small.  Since I've done this, I've never fainted.  If you are a fainter too, I highly recommend this.

Thanks for reading,

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