Saturday, May 2, 2015

Cycle Day 11

Today's symptoms: headache still, a very bloated stomach that is starting to get very uncomfortable, tired, emotional (I'm still crying about 5 times a day now) and weight gain has moved to +7lbs and bring on the acne that comes with all the hormones.

Today we have the day off from doctors visits.  Tomorrow we start going every day until they determine that we are ready to go.  They are looking for the smaller follicles to get to 14mm and the bigger follicles to not get larger than 30mm.  This is the reason for the ultrasounds.  We do the bloodwork to make sure that my estradiol doesn't get too high.  If it does get too high you run the risk of OHSS and of all the things that could go wrong, this is one of the worst and most painful.  My E usually ends up between 3500 and 5000 which is actually pretty high.  Most people get up around 2000.  Its a fine line with your E levels.  You want it to increase because that means you body is producing hormones and your follicles are growing.  You want it to not get too big because of the OHSS risk.

Today we are 'enjoying' our last day off (it's hard to enjoy a day like today when I am just so uncomfortable).  That means its time to prep for the upcoming ER week.  I am doing a freeze all so I don't need to get ready for a FET, I just need to get through the ER.  Here is my shopping list:

  • Watermelon - I usually have a hard time with the IV, its tough for them to find the vein. The anesthesiologist told me an old wives tale of eating watermelon the night before helps to keep the veins bigger.  I googled this and got a bunch of results from bodybuilder sites stating that bodybuilders use watermelon before a show in order to make their veins 'pop'.  I swear it works!  Ever since, I eat watermelon about an hour before the cutoff of when you can't eat anymore and since then they have always got the IV going on the first try.  
  • Coconut Water - It is imperative to to drink electrolytes after the retrieval.  If you only drink water, the bloating will remain for a few days.  If you drink electrolytes, the bloating goes down so much quicker.  Gatorade is another option, I just personally don't like the taste.
  • Soup - They recommend eating foods high in sodium.  I just eat a bunch of soup over the next few days.
  • Food for the husband - I don't like to have to worry about him or deal with too much the day of ER or even the day after.  So I usually cook a casserole for him to eat.  This time around it is costco chicken courtesy of my parents.
  • Restock ginger chews.  I have gone through 3 bags already.  I always make sure that I have at least a whole bag on hand.
My brother, Parker and I

Usually I lean on my acupuncturist for help in relieving my pain but once I get this close to the end, I can't have acupuncture anymore so I suffer alone in my discomfort.  All that I can do is wear my IVF pjs and relax, watch a lot of tv, do some crosswords, and take naps.  Luckily I have a very sweet brother who came to pay me a visit today.

Thanks for reading,

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