Thursday, January 10, 2019

Restorative Yoga

Taken after class with the instructor.
Look at these blissed out faces.
When I was trying to conceive the first time around, I did a lot of working out and yoga.  I felt good physically, but I was super stressed out to the max.  That's when I discovered restorative yoga.  It was far harder for me to do that class than any other class.  Meditation is not my strong suit.  When the stress is piled on, relaxing and even just taking a mindful breath is difficult for me, my mind continues to race.  I started taking a Yinki class and a Balance and Restore class and they both worked wonders to help quiet the mind.  I did some Yinki during my pregnancy when I was allowed to and it was great too. Then life happens and you get busy and in the blink of an eye, it has been 2 years since my last restorative class.
   Now that we are trying for a sibling, I went back to my first Yinki class on Monday.  My gosh how I missed it!!!!! And needed it!!!!  Yinki is a combination Yin and Reiki class (full description is below along with a link for any SD peeps that may be interested) .  The class is taught by an amazing instructor who I am fortunate to also call a friend.
   Just walking in that room, I could feel the calm spread over me.  This is going to be really good for me. During class, she walks around and lets you select an Angel Card.  Its just something to help guide your practice for the night.  The cards always speak to me.  My card that night was exactly what I needed to hear.  Combine that with her amazing touch and my favorite pose (swan pose), I couldn't have asked for more.  And then when I came home, both husband and son we doing well so it feels even better knowing that I can leave and come back and that both are happy.  I can't wait for the next class!

Thanks for Reading,

This restorative class focuses on healing the body and mind through deep relaxation and release of mental, emotional, and physical stress. Yinki® is a unique class combining Yin Yoga (a more restorative from of yoga) and Reiki (a form of energy healing). Yin Yoga postures gently stretch and rehabilitate connective tissues, while Reiki helps remove blockages or stagnant energy.

This class is spent mostly on the ground, with only stretching poses, each pose held for 3 to 5 minutes. It can be more of a mental challenge rather than physical as it forces you to slow down and be still. Something that the majority of us find very difficult! It is a very meditative class and is the perfect end to a long day. It is relaxing and incredibly healing.

Each Yinki® class includes breath-work, mantra, healing crystal bowls, and meditation as you move through your practice with certified Reiki practitioners. This class is held in our infrared heated Moon Room with a temperature between 80 and 85 degrees.
LEVEL: All levels.

1 comment:

  1. Love you so much!!!!! Your energy lifts me up in class as well :) Sisterhood! Can't wait to see you next time!
