Monday, January 7, 2019

Finding Ways to Workout

Happy Sunday Everyone!

Just a quick update for tonight.  I thought I was going to have a D&C this month, but the timing of it all isn't right.  So that will be postponed until next month.  So for now I'm just on birth control pills and waiting for an updated protocol tomorrow.

On the to do list is: update labs, update STD tests (every clinic in the US and overseas requires both parties to take STDs tests before treatment and update these teats every year) and price match meds.

In the meantime, it's Sunday and that means its Zumba time!  My son has never been in daycare, both of us for several reasons have found it hard to be apart.  That being said, finding time to work out is tough.  But I found an amazing
Zumba teacher about a year or so ago (you may recognize her from a previous post) and I strap him in and off we go.  We usually dance outside at a part and between the music, the fresh air and all the dancing, he has never lasted an entire Zumba class awake.  It always puts him to sleep and I get an extra workout carrying around an extra 30lbs!  I of course don't do much of the jump but I laugh the whole time and laughing sometimes truly is all you need.  So do something that makes you smile today!

Thanks for Reading,

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