Sunday, September 27, 2015

2 Days To Go

Today started yet another injection.  Today I started lovenox.  It's a blood thinner and it's an injectable and it is NOT fun.  I have never done this one before. That sucker burns for about 40 minutes.  It feels like pouring rubbing alcohol on a wound but from the inside.  And if all goes well and this works, I will be doing this injection every day for several weeks into the pregnancy.   The reason we are trying a blood thinner this time is because of the results from my miscarriage panel.   Hoping that I get use to this injection pretty quickly.

lovenox, latex free bandage, gauze and alcohol swab

The meds I'm on today are lovenox, steroids (oral medication), antibiotics for both Ryan and I (oral medication), progesterone (really gross suppositories 3 x a day), estrogen (estrogen patches on my stomach) and vitamins and supplements.

Today I also went and got a B12 shots and added vitamin D to it.  Those two fluctuate every time I get blood work and I just wanted to make sure that my levels were nice for the transfer.  A vitamin injection last about a week.  

Physically I am doing ok.  My stomach is slightly bloated and I still gets headaches.  Mainly I am dealing with the mental side effects.  The anxiety and the nerves are pretty intense.  We are getting so close to the finish line and no matter what happens, our lived will be forever changed and that a lot to think about.  We hopefully get pregnant and finally after all this time will fulfill our wish of becoming parents.  If it doesn't work, then that was our last shot and we would have to move on to donor or adoption.

Thanks for reading,

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