Wednesday, February 6, 2019


In following our protocol and wanting to duplicate what we did last time, we opted to do a D&C again.  The last time we did a D&C, our doctor found numerous small polyps that were so small that they were undetectable during any ultrasounds.  We wanted to recheck and see if any polyps had returned as well as see if there were any other lining issues.  Plus since I delivered my son by C-section, our doctor wanted to look at that and see how it healed and just double check that there aren't any issues.  Long story short, everything is fine.  He did however find 2 polyps that were undetected via ultrasound and removed them.  For a brief moment I played around with the idea of not doing it this time because it was about $3,000 out of pocket, but I'm sure glad that I did now.For those more interested in the details, the full story is below.

Like with any surgery, there were eating and drinking restrictions starting the night before.  No eating starting at 10pm.  That's always no problem for me, it's the no drinking after midnight that is a struggle.  Luckily I woke up right before midnight and was able to drink two full glasses of water.  This helped a lot in the morning.

My surgery was at 12:45 with a check in at 11:45.  The plan was for my husband to stay with my son and my Mom to take me.  It was a rare rainy day in San Diego, so we left a it early.  I had my surgery at the Surgical Center of San Diego.  This is the second time I've had surgery there and both times they have been really great.  No complaints really.  Always really professional and very nice.  Took about 15 to call my name and then off I went.

Once they go over all the consents and you sign your life away, you then change into your lovely gear and then time to hook up the IV.  This (if you read my previous post) is absolutely the worst part for me.  I know the drill and I always tell them I'm a fainter and to hid the IV once they get it started.  The extra super bummer this time is that the nurse informed me that scar tissue has now formed all over my 1 good vein because I always insist they take it from that one in my left arm.  All my other veins are so small that as soon as a needle hits it, it collapses.  He said that vein has had a lot of trauma and probably won't be a viable candidate much longer.  This really sucks because if that one fails, then my only choice is to go through my hand and a) that hurts so much more and b) it stay hurting because it bruises and stays sore for awhile. Guess I'll cross that bridge when I get to it, but for now, they were able to start the IV in the left, tucked it under the sheet and I was good to go.  They let my mom com back at that point and we sat and waited for the doctor.

My doctor here in the United States is Dr. Chang from Hanabusa IVF.  It's always so strange to see him.  He was such a huge part of my life for so long, but being back in treatment is so bittersweet.  Anyways we had a lot to catch up on so we chatted for awhile.  Then after catching up it was surgery time.  Then next thing I know it was lights out and when I woke up I was in recovery.  My loving husband was in charge of picking me up.  It's always so great to wake up and see him.  He is always very sweet ad it also means I can go home soon.

The surgery went well.  Dr. Chang found two abnormal things that he biopsied and sent out for testing.  He then checked my c section scar from the inside and tested its strength to make sure it would hold up to a pregnancy, possible of twins again.  Because we are transferring 2 embryos, there will be a chance of two.  Lastly, about 5 years ago, after suffering lots of pain, I had 4 cysts removed from the vaginal wall.  Three of the cysts were the size of oranges.  When they were removed, that surgeon told me there was a chance they could grow back.  About 6 months ago 1 started to grow back and was increasingly painful.  I asked Dr. Chang to drain the cyst since he would already be in there and he did.   A few days later I received the results of the biopsy and it did confirm that both were polyps. Again, we are so glad that we did the surgery.  Having polyps can severely effect your chances of getting pregnant. So now I have a squeaky clean uterus and am building a nice new fresh lining, polyps free and ready to go!

This adorable pup has been by my side through
 so much, I love her!
This surgery left me much more sore than the time I did it before.  I guessing its because there was more stuff to do this time and more poking around.  I also had a lot of bleeding for about 5 days.  Not enough to be medically concerned, just very sore and uncomfortable.  Took about 6 days to fully recovery from this one and feel back to my normal self, but luckily I feel just fine now so on to the next steps, researching medicine prices but I'll save that for another blog post.

Thanks for Reading,

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